пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Re: [deneb-radio-dx] "Голос Православия"

4 марта выходит очередной РУСЬ-DX Плюс # 427.
Есть интересная информация по Казахстану.

BC-DX 1055, 01 March 2012
edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany
KAZAKHSTAN Almaty - from reliable information received Alma Ata is to
close down on the 1st of March 2012. For all who want to verify Kazakhstan
sharp can find a Almaty Schedule here
Its so sad that another transmission site is going off line.
(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, Partha Siliguri, dxld / DXplorer Febr 22)

Radiocenter Almaty Dmitriyevka #5 is already closed (see delete on older
WRTH's), so item given above reference as regards:
95 kilometers north-easterly of former capital Almaty - Alma Ata
KAZ Tolkyn Tolqin Radiocenter #7, Qaraturiq Qaraturuk, site.

Technology situation in Kazakhstan is totally different !

In my opinion it's just a center #7 closure matter a setting the shortwave
relay I would consider plausible, this is to Kazteleradio very involved in
"modern" technology such as satellite, Internet (it is and provider of
pay-satellite TV and internet), or even the beginning TV DVB-T transition.
The SW-rental-letting was a "passive" legacy of the post-Soviet period,
and it was only a matter of time, when this would be set.

See KAZAKHSTAN table below too, this refers new A-12 registration, BUT
CONTAIN SEEMINGLY NOW OBSOLETE entries !!!, which will be replaced
obviously soon - I guess - by Tashkent-UZB, Gavar-ARM, or even Yangi Yul-
TJK registrations soon.

200/300 kW means real 500 kW PKV-500 units,
500 kW real 1000 kW PKV-1000 units, all on r e d u c e d power.
Orzu is fully booked in tx and antennas usage towards Asia.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22)

Re: Closing Alma-Aty Kazakhstan transmitters in March 2012.
Some - at least 200 radio masts around Almaty ...

KAZ Almaty Dmitriyevka SW center #5, 9 x 100 kW, 30 curtain masts
for former Radio Moscow, VoRUS, R Kazakhstan etc broadcast services.

Also visible approximately further 98 lower antenna masts, like easy
dipols, steep angle corner reflectors, rhombic antennas,

for former TASS press services, URS security force and intelligence
services {zooooom in}.
<http://g.co/maps/h8gtf> 43 30 09.78 N 77 00 27.77 E

Latest schedule
6225 1400 1430 44 A-A 100 132 KAZ NEW WRN
6225 1430 1530 49 A-A 100 132 KAZ NEW WRN
7530 1400 1500 40,41 A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM
7540 2000 2200 27 A-A 300 301 KAZ NEW RAM
7545 0000 0100 41 A-A 200 132 KAZ NEW RAM
7560 1800 1900 28 A-A 300 312 KAZ NEW RAM
9365 1300 1400 49 A-A 300 141 KAZ YFR RAM
9365 1400 1500 49 A-A 300 141 KAZ YFR RAM
9390 2000 2100 27 A-A 300 301 KAZ NEW RAM
9395 1400 1500 41 A-A 200 132 KAZ NEW RAM
9615 1800 1900 28 A-A 200 312 KAZ NEW RAM
9900 1400 1500 41 A-A 100 132 KAZ YFR RAM
9950 1430 1500 29,30 A-A 200 310 KAZ NEW RAM
11505 1500 1700 40,41 A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM
12130 1300 1400 41 A-A 300 132 KAZ YFR RAM
12130 1500 1600 40,41NW A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM
12160 1300 1400 43,44,49 A-A 200 132 KAZ YFR RAM
13815 1200 1400 50 A-A 500 121 KAZ YFR RAM
13820 1200 1400 50 A-A 500 121 KAZ YFR RAM
15420 1000 1200 54 A-A 500 132 KAZ NEW WRN
15535 1400 1500 40,41 A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM
15545 1600 1630 30S A-A 200 312 KAZ NEW RAM
15560 1100 1200 44,45 A-A 300 94 KAZ YFR RAM
15750 1100 1200 50 A-A 300 121 KAZ YFR RAM
15750 1200 1300 50 A-A 200 132 KAZ YFR RAM

Older broadcasting site, little more southerly located:
KAZ Almaty Koekterek Radiocenter #5, Bayserke-former Dmitriyevka
43 29 13.87 N 77 00 21.43 E

Also not far away KAZ Almaty, army camp, radio masts.
43 34 25.45 N 77 05 47.33 E

KAZ approx. 71 more masts, security police force, intelligence service
antenna field
43 30 48.76 N 76 58 23.63 E

KAZ Almaty Radiocenter #2 Raxat (former name: Novyy)
formerly used in USSR time, in 30ties, 40ties, 50ties.
43 31 56.32 N 76 55 59.51 E

95 kilometers north-easterly of former capital Almaty - Alma Ata
KAZ Tolkyn Tolqin Radiocenter #7, Qaraturiq Qaraturuk 1000/500 kW SW.
200/300 kW means real 500 kW PKV-500 units,
500 kW real 1000 kW PKV-1000 units,
all on r e d u c e d power.
MW 900 kHz 150 kW, 13 SW curtains, 33 dipol masts
<http://g.co/maps/tetmt> 43 38 53.89 N 77 55 34.89 E

is dilapidated and neglected
smaller MW masts of 549, 1089, 1341 kHz , 150 / 500 kW

and 500 / 1000 kW MW directional sidefire antenna
of Radio Moscow-USSR era in the 80ties
KAZ SV2+2 antenna 549 kHz 1500 kW / Foreign Service 900 kHz 500 kW
43 37 59.05 N 77 56 46.76 E
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22)

Re: Closing Alma-Aty Kazakhstan transmitters in March 2012.
Definitely wooden entries there. "Radio of Kazakhstan" for instance?
Haven't heard any broadcasts like that for many years. One of the easiest
to hear on this side of the Pacific will be Voice of Orthodoxy. I'll need
to have a listen tomorrow, then next week ...
(Walt Salmaniw-BC-CAN, dxld Feb 22)

KAZAKHSTAN There is no external service from one of the world's largest
countries, let alone anything in English.

But in times gone by for not too many years there was. They even had an
airtime exchange with Radio Ukraine International, thus programmes from
Almaty have been transmit from Brovary during the nineties.

WRTH 2010 says there are 9 x 100 kW transmitters at Almaty
(Dmitriyevka, while Aoki calls it Nikolayevka ?)

An old shortwave site, 25 km north of Almaty.


Partial view from the air:

Same corner from the ground:

And the school in the settlement that belongs to the transmitter plant:

WRTH also says there are 4 x 1000 kW SW transmitters at another site,
Qaraturyq! {200/300 kW means real 500 kW PKV-500 units,
500 kW real 1000 kW PKV-1000 units, all on r e d u c e d power.}

Actually located between this town (aka. Karaturuk) and the Kapchagai
reservoir, about 95 km east / northeast of Almaty:

A typical past-1970 high power site. Some SGD-RA fixed dipole walls and
wire curtains can be seen, also what I think are two ND masts for 243 and
549 kHz (but it is just speculation for now that Karaturuk was the site
for these frequencies), plus a Kvadrat four mast directional antenna which
must be for 900 kHz, in the past used for external services.

But I can't find any listings for those axually being on air. Does anyone
know the status of it?

In reality, all the current A-A transmissions are listed as 200 kW,
or 500 kW 5 x 100 kW transmitters at once, or half a thousand?

The latter. 500 kW indicates Karaturuk, like all the other high power
sites in the CIS (Grigoriopol, Tbilisskaya etc.) no longer running full
1000 kW on shortwave. 200 kW transmissions originate from Dmitriyevka
instead, combining two transmitters to a pair as it was routine practice
at the now closed Yekaterinburg site, too.

Both sites are throwed into one "A-A" basket for HFCC purposes, like the
three sites in Moscow area are all "MSK although located dozens kilometres
away from each other. Thus one has to look at the power to tell which of
the two Alma Ata sites it is.

[...] Another anomaly: Aoki shows 9310 as the highest frequency in use
from Kaz, while HFCC shows several 11 and 15 MHz channels registered

Some of these registrations could be mere wood. Thus it is also unclear
whether or not Karaturuk transmitters are on air at present. If all HFCC
entries reflect real transmissions the answer would of course be "yes".
(Sarathi Goswami, / Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Febr 22)

KAZAKHSTAN Transmissions of WYFR Family Radio in Urdu to SoAS:
1600-1700 7505 A-A 300 kW 177 deg, with strange co-ch of TWR to CeAS:
1600-1610 TWR's IS signal; 1610-1625 probably in Kazakh;
1625-1640 probably in Turkmen; 1640-1700 probably in Uzbek,
some times TWR's ID in Russian.
(DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 29)

Анатолий Клепов,

-----Исходное сообщение-----
From: Dmitriy Kutuzov
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:06 PM
To: rus-radio-dx@googlegroups.com
Subject: [deneb-radio-dx] "Голос Православия"

Не слышно у меня "Голос Православия" на 7515 кГц в данный момент. У кого

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